Building condition and defect specialists. Our expert consultancy is grounded in finding environmentally responsible solutions and preserving the historic built environment.

Our purpose is inspired from John Ruskin’s, Seven Lamps of Architecture. A 19th-century work in which today’s guiding principles of preservation began.

John Ruskin at Brantwood - 1885

Portrait of John Ruskin
Six Heritage Services

A leading light in the heritage sector

We offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients, drawing from both traditional and modern surveying techniques.

From pre-purchase surveys to detailed assessments of structural timber, our expertise covers all aspects of building inspection and pathology.

Featured project Blackheath, London

Early in 2024, Six Heritage were called to investigate the condition of a classic Victorian brick facade within the buffer zone of the Greenwich World Heritage Site.

The homeowner had become concerned about the condition of the exterior brickwork and masonry and had begun to witness some localised water penetration internally at and around window reveals.

Blackheath Brickwork

The Life and Death of Buildings

The building history and pathology podcast. Hosted by Six Heritage Directors Matt Amis and Patrick Hughes.

About Six Heritage

About us

Our passion for building history and pathology is rooted in years of professional and academic experience. We are determined to use our expertise to serve our clients, protect heritage at risk, and encourage sustainable building practises.

From our office in Surrey we serve all parts of the UK and beyond.

Get in touch with us today