Additional services

We offer a range of other service options addressing a vast array of building materials and defect types.

Additional services

Roof finish surveys

These detailed investigations of existing roof finishes include an assessment as to overall condition, construction and service life. We have particular expertise in historic roof coverings such as slate and clay tile, though our specialist team have also advised on contemporary roof surfaces such as asphalt, mineral felt and CLT (among others).

Rainwater goods surveys

We investigate all elements forming the rainwater drainage systems to determine their material, condition, performance and relative capacity. This includes; hoppers, downpipes, shoes, gulleys and outlets. Remedial advice is provided to allow for expected service life, repair requirements, capacity improvements and any replacement.

Fireplaces and chimney investigations

We investigate the brickwork and mortar/pointing comprising existing chimney-stacks for condition and vulnerability. Where accessible/ visible, an assessment can also be made of flaunching and capping at the head of any existing chimney-stacks. If required, flue mapping and condition services can also be provided.

Bespoke graphics packages for Architects and Structural Engineers

We offer a bespoke, graphics heavy package catered directly towards Structural Engineers and Architects. This typically includes an A1 sized marked-up elevation, plan and/or section with all detailed findings from our site investigation outlined visually on a single sheet. This unique service is designed to limit redundancy found in most industry survey reports and focuses on delivering the important information in a transparent and accessible format.

This is not a design service, rather a variation of our traditional report output to collate all the important site findings in a visual, condensed

Lintel survey

The team use a variety of investigative methods to determine lintel construction and condition.

All lintels identified as timber can be assessed, to determine their decay state and moisture content using minimally invasive means, which will inform the necessity for remedial measures.

Window condition and performance

We undertake a detailed assessment of windows to determine
their material, condition and operability. This can also include an
assessment of glazing for depth, toughness and low-e coats (all information which can all be used to inform guidance as to u values, g values and thermal performance).

Our report output is formulated to be actionable and digestible, typically in the form of a bill of quantities or repair schedule, including
photographic record and marked-up plans depicting unique reference numbers.

Old wooden window frames with rotting wood and cracked peeling paint, house needs renovation and new frames closeup

Hazardous materials analysis

Areas within a building that are identified as potentially containing hazardous substances such as anthrax in historical plaster, and lead or other heavy metals in paint products, are subjected by our team to localised sampling. These samples then undergo laboratory-based analysis to determine their constituents and identify any that are hazardous to health, allowing for this risk to be properly managed and any specialist action taken.

Additional services

Leadwork condition and performance

We undertake detailed investigations of all existing lead linings, dressings and flashings would be undertaken using visual, photographic and tactile means, where accessible.

Remedial advice that is given by our team addresses issues such as whether existing lead can be retained in-situ, requires total replacement, or has some scope for salvage and re-use.

Metalwork surveys

We undertake detailed investigations of structural steel or ironwork to support project Structural Engineers to establish build-up, condition and expected service life. We can also undertake investigations of decorative wrought or cast iron elements.

Wall tie and fixings investigations

By using non-destructive/minimally invasive techniques, our team can assess the condition of wall ties and other encapsulated fixings (metal cramps and hoop-iron bond).

Paint condition and analysis

Our specialist surveyors collect small paint samples from discreet locations in areas which are most likely to inform on historical colour

Samples are taken using a micro-scalpel down to the substrate to capture all available/historical layers of paint. Photomicrographs are collected of each sample which are then subject to assessment and colour matching to the RAL K7 classic colour chart.

The aim of this service is to inform interior design strategy to be as historically accurate as possible and offer our clients precedent for a certain design/colour scheme (if it was historically used)

Plasterwork condition and service life

We investigate original and historical plasterwork to walls and ceilings in detail to ascertain overall condition and service life. An assessment as to composition and build-up is also undertaken to accurately inform remedial strategy.

Our recommendations are centred around minimising the impact of any damp related defects such as delamination, key failure, spalling and efflorescence.

Identification and analysis of hazardous moulds

Investigations can be carried out to determine the presence of potentially hazardous moulds using swabs and/or localised aerospora sampling.

Our service includes an assessment of building environments and interior conditions to determine if they could increase the likelihood of the formulation of hazardous moulds upon refurbishment. Detailed remedial advice with an emphasis on de-risking and tailored
remediation strategies will be provided, with the health of occupants a priority.

Plasterwork condition

Remedial specification and design detailing

We can review design details and remedial specifications that have been produced by the Architect and Structural Engineer to ensure that latent defects are identified and remediated, which can help to prevent future issues of damp and decay. Standard details relevant to a particular build-up or defect can be provided upon request.

Snagging and approval of remedial works on site

Our team can assess remedial works that have been carried out by sub-contractors or the site team for suitability and accuracy to avoid construction errors that could result in defects or latent defects.

Investigations and assessments can be carried out using specialist equipment and at an early stage of refurbishment works to avoid unnecessary overrunning of the project timetable and associated costs.

CPD training sessions

We offer online or in-person CPD seminars for industry professionals, academics and at formal events covering topics relating to timber decay, damp and building pathology.

Get in touch with us today